Saturday, May 7, 2011

Resurrection Lutheran build day

Big shout out to Resurrection Lutheran Church of Dublin, which sent out 15 people to work at the Kinsell worksite today. It was a big enough group that we were split up into different teams.

Some people did some painting, some put house wrap (aka Tyvek) on the houses, and some worked on the roof, putting finish plywood over the eaves, adding drip edge, rolling out tar paper, and installing brackets for safety railings. For me, I was volunteering on a different day of the week than my usual Friday, so not only did I get to spend time with the good folks of RLC, I got to see some of the regular volunteers I normally only see during the build-a-thon and other special events.

In any event, a lot got done today. Thank you, RLC!

Check out more pictures from the day here:
RLC work day

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